If you were put in a situation of seeing inappropriate content posted by a student, how would you approach it?
Taken from Edudemic: Should you share that picture online? |
I feel like the age level of the student when it comes to inappropriate content is a huge factor in what should be done when talking to the student about what you have seen them posting online. If the student posting the content is older, like in college, then the teacher/professor should just remind them that what they do and post on the internet is there for anyone to see and can cause harm in the future, like if they were caught by a future boss or by the authorities. It should not affect the way you treat them as a student though and they still deserve the same education everyone else is getting. If the student is in elementary school, middle school, or even high school the parents should be involved in approaching the student about what they are doing inappropriately online. Inappropriate posting online can have a huge effect on the students and on the way their peers and future peers look at them. The postings also show what they have been doing outside of school that some parents might not even be aware that their child is doing. Getting the parents involved is always best because it shows that the parents care about what their child is doing. If the students' parents are not involved then as a teacher you should show that you care and help the student make right choices because what they post on the internet is there forever and it could really affect them later on. Always be understanding of why the student posted what they did and do not judge them for their actions just help them see that it may not be the right thing to be doing on the internet.
Created with Voki by Erika Stanford
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